Design Goals
This site was developed with three main gaols in mind:
- Show as many technologies as possible
- Make the visitor think about different design
- Promote the different aspects of Veritas-IT
Concept of the Website
Using custom written PHP pages to promote a different way of navigating web pages has been implemented. Besides PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax are in use to create the different effects and designs.
The use of a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress or static site creator like Jekyll or Hugo have been avoided on purpose. More then 30 % of the worlds websites already run on Wordpress, so that technology is well known and quite common. Static Sites creators are useful in many instances, but in this concept they are too limiting.
Server Hardware & OS
The site is deployed from a custom build server. Hardware selected is complete quiet (fanless), minimal energy consumption, and far more powerful then what shared hosting or a regular VPS will provide. It is based on a NUC8i5BEH, with an Intel i5, 8 core CPU, a blazing fast NVME PCI Drive and 8 Gb RAM. The Operating System is the in-house developed KaOS (Linux based), using the LAMP (Apache) stack. This server is capable of running dozens of sites.